Storycraft - Fluency Magic



If you’ve studied grammar but still struggle to use proper grammar when speaking, this free lesson is your first step to a new approach. This new series, Storycraft: Fluency Magic helps intermediate level students acquire English naturally, using stories to build confidence and fluency without traditional grammar drills. 


🪄Here’s how it works🪄 


👉🏼Watch the full video to experience the story as a whole

👉🏼Then, do one short part per week. For Krampus, there are 10 parts. Each part includes sections on vocabulary, verb tenses, articles, and prepositions. You should complete one lesson per week - slowly - over 5-6 days. Spread out your listening and study times to remember better.


If you do it all in a day, it won't work


👉🏼Every week: Download the short audio for that section (first week: part 1):


Day 1: Review the vocabulary & listen throughout the day


Day 2: Review the verb tenses & listen throughout the day


Day 3: Review articles and listen throughout the day


Day 4: Review prepositions and listen throughout the day


Day 5: Rewrite the story (just the short part) in your own words. Post what you write in the WhatsApp Chat or Members only group for corrections and feedback 💪🏼


After you complete the lesson, download the full audio and keep listening from time to time.

I will be uploading new stories for this course regularly. So if you are an Academy member, you will end up with a playlist of stories that you can cycle through for passive listening after you compete each lesson.




This gradual, immersive approach helps you internalize grammar patterns—making them second nature when you speak. After you understand what’s going on with the grammar, every time you listen, those lessons will be reinforced.


Repeatedly listening helps your brain to automatically detect the patterns of speech used. This is a subconscious process that your brain does naturally, which will help you to internalize the patterns instead of consciously thinking about the rules as you speak. The goal is for proper grammar to “sound right” to you in the same way that it does in your native language. 



Please enjoy this free lesson. I am producing a series of lessons in this format for Academy members, and I would love to hear your feedback on this one:)


Here's a quick easy way to give your feedback.